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I call on the name of Jesus to help me get through my frustration, deception, and emotional pain. I repent for holding bitterness, anger, and unforgiveness toward others. I have allowed pride, anxiousness, and my emotions to dictate my outbursts and decisions. Please have mercy upon me and let Your grace abound by exposing my enemies of the unseen realm that attempt to imitate the Holy Spirit. This evil influence from divination and familiar spirits have attached me to the soulish realm of uncontrollable works of the flesh, causing me to react instead of respond. Help me to remember who I am in Christ and the authority I have to overcome these attacks.

In the name of Jesus, I reset my authority and reconnect myself to the anointing of Christ through the blood of the Lamb and the word of promise. I now execute judgment and bind, blind, mute, and deafen every divination and familiar spirit that resides in me or that is attached to my spirit, soul, mind, memories, and emotional feelings, in Jesus name. I now cast you all from me and send you to the pit, breaking your powers of influence from witchcraft and demonic presence, nullifying your agenda to mislead from my destiny, in Jesus name. I ask for discernment and wisdom to increase my sense of awareness that I can maintain freedom from all evil spirits. I thank You for Your help and answered prayer so I may a be solider that is well pleasing to You, in Jesus name.

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