Jesus asked us to take His yoke upon us and learn from Him. So as we unite in the Spirit of Christ, we learn the ways of freedom because if we don’t learn, we get burned by the enemy. Remember the enemy pushes, and the Holy Spirit leads.
- Continue to speak your prayers and kingdom card daily.
- Freedom is learned, trust is earned.
- Knowledge is truth understood, and truth practiced brings forth freedom.
- We have a choice to submit or rebel.
- The Lord tests us to see if He can trust us.
- Patience means to endure. (It’s a fruit of the spirit)
- Your obedience will earn the trust of God. We are tested to see if God can trust us.
- Hos. 4:6
- John 8:31-38
- Matt. 11:28-30
- Deut. 31:12-13
- Psa. 119:65-66
- Isa. 1:16-17
- Rom. 15:4-6
- Heb. 5:5-11
- Phil. 4:10-13
- 3 John 2-8
- Prov. 22:24-27
- Prov. 4:1-9
- 2 Tim. 3:1-7
- Eph. 4:17-28
- Rom. 16:17-20
- Psa. 37:3-8
- Prov. 28:25-26
- Psa. 7:9-10
- James 1:2-4
- Psa. 11 (Full Psalm)
- Luke 16:10-13
- Matt. 25:14-30
- Rev. 3:3-6
- 2 Tim. 4:1-5
- Freedom is __________. Trust is ___________.
- What does patience mean?
- What doe it mean to fear God?
- Who pushes and who leads?
- What is the soul made up of?
- What does the truth make you?
- What are we to do when we fall into various trials?
- We are to be ready when?
- If we are faithful over a few things?
- We are to be simple concerning what?
The Trinity is one with three functions; The Father thinks, The Word speaks, and the Spirit moves, but they are all one. The Word became flesh, and was called Jesus, and they are still one. Man is a triune being with a spirit, soul, and body. The spirit communes in the spirit realm, the soul interprets, and the body does the work.
- Continue to speak your prayers and kingdom card daily.
- The first thing God created was time.
- The word trinity means three in one.
- The heart: Character of yourspirit
- The spirit is the one who has and distributes the gifts.
- The son is the representation of ministries.
- God the Father is the overseer of the activity of the ministry and gifts working together.
- How you treat others is a direct result in how you treat God.
- Gen. 1:1-26
- Gen. 2:24
- 1 John 5:6-7
- John 14:6
- Mark 1:9-11
- Matt. 17:1-3
- Heb. 4:12
- Mark 14:56-59
- Mat. 7:7
- John 6:63-65
- Deut. 6:4-6
- John 16:7-9
- Gen. 18:1-6
- 1 Cor. 12:1-7
- Eph. 4:1-16
- 1 Pet. 1-3
- Col. 1:9-29
- Matt. 28:16-19
- What is the Trinity of God and its functions?
- What is man?
- What is the Heart?
- Whose responsibility is it to keep our temple clean?
- What part of the Trinity does the work?
- What is God the Father?
- When the spirit communes what does the soul do?
- What part of the Trinity has and distributes the gifts?
- What was the first thing God created (Reference Gen. 1:1).
- What does the word “trinity” mean?